Reinforcement was added in the following locations lower pintle is secured foredeck where the chainplate attaches centreboard pivot bolt jib sheet hardware trunk/thwart joint mast step and bow section Jib sheet hardware and trunk/thwart joint. The thwart received new marine plywood pads for the jib sheet hardware, and also reinforcement adjacent to the centreboard trunk, which this was glued to thwart with a blob of putty. These areas will be tabbed together with 1708. Mast step and adjacent area This required a shim at the mast itself. Taped and waxed. Laminated in place, cured, then trimmed. Also, the joint tabbing the shelf piece to the hull had failed, so both sides were re-bonded then further reinforced.
The restoration of an early CL11 (Gull) sailing dinghy.